
Margaret Blair 18-10-2023
Margaret Blair

我们每个人都会根据自己的心情、情绪、心态和素质发出某些振动和辐射。 一个生命体所放射出的鲜艳色彩由围绕其身体形态的看不见的能量组成。 它被称为这个人或生命体的光环。

根据一个人发出的能量,他周围的灵气场表现为不同的灵气颜色。 一般来说,九种灵气颜色代表一个人发出的能量水平。

See_also: 郊狼的精神动物

在所有的光环中,白色是最纯净和最稀有的光环色调。 虽然一个人周围的光环不断变化,许多人始终显示一种或两种光环颜色。

See_also: 生命轨迹编号11--完整指南

白色是纯洁和灵性的象征。 它展示了神性和与高级力量和守护天使的密切联系。 白色光环具有治疗作用。 它是一种反射性光环,因此可以抵御消极和反对力量。

Margaret Blair

Margaret Blair is a renowned author and spiritual enthusiast with a deep passion for decoding the hidden meanings behind angel numbers. With a background in psychology and metaphysics, she has spent years exploring the mystical realm and deciphering the symbolism that surrounds us every day. Margaret's fascination with angel numbers grew after a profound experience during a meditation session, which ignited her curiosity and led her on a transformative journey. Through her blog, she aims to share her knowledge and insights, empowering readers to understand the messages that the universe is trying to communicate to them through these divine numerical sequences. Margaret's unique blend of spiritual wisdom, analytical thinking, and empathetic storytelling allows her to connect with her audience on a profound level as she unravels the mysteries of angel numbers, guiding others towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual path.